Sukhoi Su-27IB

I’m scratch building/kit bashing this Sukhoi Su-27IB as there is no kit on the market, in any scale. I did start this some time ago but I went about it the wrong way using a single seat Su-27 for the rear, with the wrong cuts…etc. When I saw Ken Duffey (Flankerman!) having a go and doing it like this, (using the Heller Su-27UB & Italeri Su-34) it made me want to have another go at it. I had to use new kits as my butchered Su-34 effort was to far gone to use. So out with a untouched Heller Su-27UB and Italeri Su-34 and a razor saw.

Progress has gone quite well, but I have very little info to hand, so like before, I’m just going to do my best but all being well now I’m using a Su-27UB, it should save lots of time and effort so I can concentrate on getting it finished.

You can see how the Heller kit over laps the Italeri kit, an easy fix with some trimming and Milliput.

Heller wing stubs have been cut down to accept the Italeri wings. Note the gap where the Su-27UB airbrake would be, but is now part of the Su-34. This will be filled with Milliput and sanded to shape, blending into the Su-27UB fuselage.

Not many issues with the underside, the front mated to the rear with no issues. Some details to sort out but that will come later on in the build.

Looking good and fairly straight forward, cockpit painted light blue with some detail picked out.

Wheel bays are OK, but some work needed to seal them up, sadly a job that can only be done once it’s all closed up.


Moving on with the build, I mixed up some Milliput and started the filling process but sadly mixing just less than I needed, so I do need another lot mixed up for the undersides.

Starting to take shape though and you can clearly see the Su-34 & Su-27 parts in these photos. Next job, sand it all smooth then move onto the scribing that I’ve lost joining the two together..

Wing leading edges blended in as there was a 1.5mm overlap. Error on my part for cutting the wrong area forcing the wings forward.

Happy with the shape of the ‘fillet’ that blends in the Su-34 to Su-27UB.

The Heller kit suffers from sinking marks in the rear end so I’ve pasted over some Milliput on some flat areas to solve this.