Amodel An-22

Amodel 1/72nd Antonov An-22

This is the 2003 ‘late’ boxing of this rare kit, typical Amodel ‘Amonster’ kit, fibreglass fuselage, wings and tail section,  the rest is all injection moulded and measuring in at 33″ in length & 35″ wide, so not very small!

This kit has been started by someone else as it was bought second hand and I plan to continue from where it was left off.. I’ve added photos below to show where it stands now and I will add more of my progress below.

(Sorry for the change in backing colour!)

Progress as of 01/08/2017

Painted using AKAN & Tamiya paints. Using resin B-57 seats cut down and painted to resemble An-22 seats and the rest painted to reference photos. I haven’t gone mad with the detail, as sadly most won’t be seen once it’s all closed up.


Rear end work, cleaning up the surface joins from old glue and resin, cleaning up the tailplanes and priming them


The engines came glued, and will need some fettling before they can be attached & painted. There is a lip on the front cowling and it needs to be removed, so quite a bit of sanding will have to be done also. Typical Amodel moulding on this age of kit, means the vents need to be cleaned up and worked on and also the inlet lip on the underside..

Engines don’t sit flush to the wing, so some sanding needed here.